when i was very small we lived in South America for a while. we lived right by the sea, a huge expanse of sand and sea. i remember the house, most of it. its cool compressed marble floors, the big windows, the kitchen, my room and the sitting room. on one of the walls in the sitting room my parents had three sea horses - hung like those three flying ducks you used to see, but they were sea horses. one was red, another green and the third was blue. it was with the help of these that my parents started to teach me to count. but it was the colours i was more attracted to, and i just generally liked them. i was never any good at counting or anything else to do with sums or figures, and my mother was still trying to get me to learn my 'times tables' years later - i never did 'get' them.
so i have found an interesting website about sea horses - have a look
i have linked it to the survival page, but its a whole website about them.
i can still see my sea horses in my mind's eye.
And I never knew about the sea horses on the wall- D and M using them to teach you things- lovely!
Did you know that we have a sea horse on our wall too? Just one, an orange one, from our holiday in Italy; it hangs in our kitchen. (Except that now it's packed.)
It's funny- coincidences, without us knowing...
I have always loved sea horses...mystical, fragile beautiful creatures.
sending you blog hugs xx