a very strange coincidence

today i bought the Evening News for a radical change; (looking for 2nd hand cupboard)(the paper has local for sale ads). and in this evening news was an article on the very person whose texts i posted on my blog yesterday(or was it the day before) - the artist with his cloud. click this link for the article on his next adventure.


Anonymous said…
I love the cloud text...and how often does one get to 'hold on to a cloud'? I think that's something special for you...clouds played a big part in our childhoods :)

I'm missing you. Now when I look up at a cloud in the sky, I'm going to think of you.
bella xx
oh! thankyou! yes, clouds and childhood.. i am a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society; see www.cloudappreciationsociety.org - by the way! :-) xx