right. (in my day-reality its still 22nd). now today - another idea to start. i began making a sketch a day in august, and then stopped due to being busy etc - the idea was that the sketch was to be immediate; top of my head thing, not precious, not skilled, just stream of consciousness.
click on image to enlarge if you actually want to read scribblings
click on image to enlarge if you actually want to read scribblings
this idea was (is) one of my ploys to get me back into working on my own work again - get my head back into 'thinking' in that way again, although its also to do with a sort of 'widening' of the brain (or head) so that there is more space in it to let things come in. (otherwise it is just crammed full of worry about money, worry about this and that - dont for get the other, and oh, what about such and such and oops i forgot so and so...)
and on and on like that - i always think 'when i have got all this SORTED, i will begin' - but i never will get it sorted - because there is always more and more, so now i just have to make time to push it all away
these are the beginnings
i am putting them up hoping it will make me stick to it!
they will all go to the top of this blog page, and i have to upload the last first or they will all be the wrong way round.
bluddy 'eck m'n, eh?!
(its very late - on 22nd or early on 23rd depending on how you look at it)