memory of boarding school - on the 1st of the month you had to say (shout) 'pinch punch first of the month veins return' whilst pinching and punching the girl you were shouting it at before she could do it to you. 'veins return' means she cant do it back. we had all these rules or 'doings', some of which i have remembered - for example when you found something, even if you knew who it belonged to, you held it up shouting 'quiz?' and someone who either wanted it, or who it belonged to, or who respnded just in case they might want it, responded 'ego'. you always had to shout. you could also use the 'veins return' if you were quizzing and you didnt want the thing.
ok so back to the present. just because it was 1st april today i remembered.. and its interesting that these days people pronounce ego as 'eego', whereas we pronounced it 'eggo', funny ol life.
would be nice to have some really amazing interesting stuff to report. i took a pic on my phone when having a quick coffee in the crypt of St. John's. Hendersons have now taken it over, so it is slightly different. a pic on my phone from where i was sitting - then i took one on my way out looking back, rather quickly so as not to make people feel peculiar and i caught it rather well, i thought, as it expressed what i felt! (the blur as i sweep out of the place)
M xxx
yes our memories of school probably would amaze, mystify, horrify even..