yesterday was International Women's Day

(title is a link by the way)

which did not seem to have been celebrated here. that really surprises me, its the first year i have not seen anything going on here - unless i just totally missed it. one year, some years ago, i did the admin for an IWD week of events and rallies and entertainments. it was loads of work and funding, and a whole lot of local women's groups got involved, artists, politicians and just masses of women.

it is sunny today, was yesterday too, but we are expecting massive storms again apparently. it isnt quite the equinox is it, that's around 21st.. when the moon crosses the ecliptic (isnt it?) and the tides get incredibly high and incredibly low and storms are fairly usual. i have often been on Iona round about these times of year (march and sept). one september i was staying in my pal's tin house when that huge storm blew up. we knew it was coming; earlier in the evening i had gone round to the hotel where a few of us sat and watched American football! the owner loves it and was trying to teach me the rules with a nip of whisky each. later back at the tin house i remember lying in bed wondering when it would start and then suddenly BANG - literally - and then it began; the wind just howling against the tin shaking the walls and i really did think i might end up in the sound swilling about in the massive seas. anyway, i got up, no point trying to sleep, but of course the electricity had gone. there were candles and calor gas cooker so i could have a cuppa tea as i sat with loads of jumpers on wondering if i should try going outside just to see.. thought i better not though. it was of course dark in the middle of the night so i couldnt see much. i think it went on well into the next day as well, if i remember. the aftermath; the sea had been right up onto the road, people's gardens, rocks and seaweed strewn about, someone's car almost floated away but not quite and no one was hurt. people who had tried going outside in it hadnt been able to stand up!

i hope everyone is ok through this coming one.


Anonymous said…
That's funny- I posted about International Women's Day too! I was interested to hear that were involved in previous years...I would be if I wasn't so tied up, or tied down rather, with this moving lark.
amvbflae xx
IonaKorea said…
cursor keys are just the up,down, left and right! hope you're enjoying the blogs....i'll update again tomorrow
dritanje said…
Ah the Sadness of Insufficient Publicity for Women's day Event (or SIPWE - should really be Gulpwe, Spitwe, chortlewe, dance and singwe!) when we could have done with more audience for the event that I did organize! Nevermind .... Funnily enough I too had a Rainer maria Rilke quote up on my wall for ages, don't know what happened to it, but I remember it was in the days when I used pens I dipped in different coloured inks and this was written in purple. Ah the days when words were a pleasure to write and to look at - now, we use keyboards or if I do use a pen, handwriting is not easy to read. It's a lovely quote, I enjoyed the pics also, X
oh i know, but lack of publicity was not really your fault.. tho a real shame. well, i had the Rilke quote written in coloured ink - long ago with my dip pen in my inky days!!